Clustering algorithms


Clustering is a unsupervised Machine Learning algorithm that groups a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense) to each other than to those in other groups (clusters). [Suggested introductory reading]. Here, I shall talk about three of them namely EM clustering, k-means and hierarchical clustering.

EM clustering

We have \(N\) data samples (unlabelled) \(D= \{ x_1,x_2,\dots,x_N \}\) spanning \(c\) classes \(w_1,w_2,\dots,w_c\). In order to simplify our analysis let’s assume \(c=3\) and \(N=500\). We can write the prior and likelihood as follows

Prior Likelihood
\(P(w_1)\) \(P(x/w_1) \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_1,‎‎\sum_1)\)
\(P(w_2)\) \(P(x/w_2) \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_2,‎‎\sum_2)\)
\(P(w_3)\) \(P(x/w_3) \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_3,‎‎\sum_3)\)

Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)

The problem can be formulated as a GMM


Given, the data points \(\{ x_1,x_2,\dots,x_N \}\) our goal is to find the parameter \(\theta\) (consists of \(\mu_i \text{, } \sum_i \text{ and } P(w_i)\)) using MLE (ML Estimation).

Expectation maximization to solve GMM parameters

We can find the parameters using an iterative scheme. We can initialize \((\mu_i,‎‎\sum_i)\) with some random values and then iterate over the expectation and maximization steps until convergance is achieved.


Assuing \((\mu_1,‎‎\sum_1)\) are available, we can perform Bayesian classification on \(\{ x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n \}\) using likelihood at some iteration as

\[x_k \in w_i \text{ iff } P(x_k/w_i)>P(x_k/w_j) \forall j \neq i\]


Given some \(x_k\), then what are \((\mu_i,‎‎\sum_i)\) that maximize for those \(x_k\) to have \(P(x_k/w_i) \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_i,‎‎\sum_i)\)?

\[\{ x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n \} \in w_i\]

Using MLE,

\(\mu_i = \frac{1}{N_i} \sum_k x_k \forall x_k \in w_i\) \(\sum_i = \frac{1}{N_i} \sum_k (x_k-\mu_i)(x_k-\mu_i)^T \forall x_k \in w_i\)

Thus, we have the updated values for $(\mu_i,‎‎\sum_i)$ and can now again perform expectation step in an iterative way untill convergance.

k-means clustering

Let us assume identity covarience matrix i.e. $ | \sum | = 1 $, we can write \(P(x_k/w_i) = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{d/2}} e^{ \frac{-1}{2} (x_k-\mu_i)^T (x_k-\mu_i)} = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{d/2}} e^{ \frac{-1}{2} \| x_k-\mu_i \| ^2 }\)


  • Descide the number of clusters, $c$
  • Assume $\mu_i$ for classes $1:c$
  • Expectation
    • \(x_k \in\) if \(P(x_k/w_i)>P(x_k/w_j) \forall i \neq j\)
    • if \(\| x_k-\mu_i \| ^2 \leq \| x_k-\mu_j \| ^2 \forall i \neq j, \text{ then } x_k \in w_i\)
  • Maximization \(\mu_i = \frac{1}{N_i} \sum_k x_k \forall x_k \in w_i\)
  • Repeat step 2 and 3 untill convergence, \(\| \mu_i^t-\mu_i^{t-1} \| ^2 \to \text{constant}\)

Below code shows the implementation

Fig.1: Final clusters obtained via k-means
Fig.2: Final clusters obtained via k-means

As shown in the above two figures the k-means algorithm correctly clusters the data points into three clusters.

Hierarchical clustering

Hierarchical clustering is a clustering method which seeks to build a hierarchy of clusters based on some distance or similarity meteric. This can be further classified as

  • Agglomerative clustering: (“bottom-up” approach) each point starts as a seperate individual cluster and merges into a single cluster.
  • Divisive clustering: (“top-down” approach) starts with one single cluster and keeps on dividing upto individual point clusters
  • Isodata clustering: combines features of both agglomerative and divisive clustering to achieve optimal clusters

Based on the distance meteric used the agglomerative clustering can be further classified as

  • Single link or Nearest neighbour
    • Distance between two clusters \(c_1\) and \(c_2\), \(d = \min \| X-Y \|^2 \text{ where, } X \in c_1 \text{ and } Y \in c_2\)
  • Complete link or farthest neighbour
    • Distance between two clusters \(c_1\) and \(c_2\), \(d = \max \| X-Y \|^2 \text{ where, } X \in c_1 \text{ and } Y \in c_2\)

Example: Single Link

Suppose that we have the given points \(x_1,x2,\dots,x7\) with the distances shown below.

x1 ------- x2 ------- x3 ------- x4 ------- x5 ------- x6 ------- x7
     1          1.1        1.2        1.3        1.4        1.5 

To form clusters, we treat the individual points as clusters and grow them. Find the distance between the clusters using \(d = \min \| X-Y \|^2 \text{ where, } X \in c_1 \text{ and } Y \in c_2\) and merge \(c_i\) with \(c_j\) if \(d(c_i,c_j) \leq d(c_i,c_k) \forall k \neq j\). Finally we can obtain

x1         x2         x3         x4         x5         x6         x7
|          |          |           |         |          |          |
|          |          |           |         |          |          |
------------ 1        |           |         |          |          |
     |                |           |         |          |          |
     |                |           |         |          |          |
     ------------------ 1.1       |         |          |          |
              |                   |         |          |          |
              |                   |         |          |          |
              --------------------- 1.2     |          |          |
                        |                   |          |          |
                        |                   |          |          |
                        --------------------- 1.3      |          |
                                   |                   |          |
                                   |                   |          |
                                   --------------------- 1.4      |
                                             |                    |
                                             |                    |
                                             ---------------------- 1.5

Example: Complete Link

We can use the same example distances given in single link example. Here, we can find the distance between the clusters using \(d = \max \| X-Y \|^2 \text{ where, } X \in c_1 \text{ and } Y \in c_2\) and merge \(c_i\) with \(c_j\) if \(d(c_i,c_j) \leq d(c_i,c_k) \forall k \neq j\). Finally we can obtain

x1         x2         x3         x4         x5         x6         x7
|          |          |           |         |          |          |
|          |          |           |         |          |          |
------------ 1        |           |         |          |          |
     |                ------------- 1.2     |          |          |
     |                      |               ------------ 1.4      |
     |                      |                     |               |    
     |                      |                     |               |  
     |                      |                     ----------------- 2.9  
     ------------------------ 3.3                         |
              |                                           |
              |                                           |
              --------------------------------------------- 7.5

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